Laboratory of Organic Photochemistry
prof. RNDr. Petr Klán, Ph.D.

The Laboratory of Organic Photochemistry is engaged in various research projects that deal with the development of photoactivatable compounds, fluorescent tags and molecular sensors for biology, studies of the mechanisms of photochemical transformations, and environmental photochemistry. Multidisciplinary research projects involve organic synthesis, molecular spectroscopy, chemical kinetics, structure determination of organic molecules, time-resolved spectroscopy, and computational Chemistry.

Laboratories of Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry
doc. Mgr. Kamil Paruch,Ph.D., doc. Jakub Švenda, PhD.

The laboratory is focused on the development of synthetic methods and strategies for the preparation of structurally non-trivial organic molecules for applications in biomedical research. We target both man-made and naturally occurring bioactive molecules that feature underexplored pharmacophores and/or structural complexity challenging the current state-of-the-art in organic synthesis. Our target compounds are profiled in close collaboration with top-class Czech and international biologists. Research areas of interest include small-molecule modulation of selected human kinases, adenylyl cyclases, and nucleases.

Supramolecular Chemistry Group
prof. Ing. Vladimír Šindelář, Ph.D.

The research group develops new supramolecular hosts that are able to include small molecules and ions inside their cavity. We are particularly interested in two families of compounds: cucurbiturils and bambusurils. These macrocycles are constructed from the same building block, glycoluril, but have very different binding abilities. We have contributed to the research of cucurbiturils in terms of modification and also the preparation of molecular switches based on these macrocycles. The first bambusurils were synthesized in our research group in 2010. We later recognized that bambusurils are potent receptors for various inorganic anions in both aqueous media and organic solvents. We are currently investigating the potential of bambusurils for anion sensing and transport.

Laboratory of Bioorganic and Peptide Chemistry (will be established in October 2025)
Mgr. Tomáš Fiala, Ph.D.

The research group develops and studies synthetic peptides with a particular interest in self-assembling systems. We mainly focus on triple-helical collagen peptides and double-helical peptide nucleic acids. We exploit these systems as molecular tools for studying biomolecular interactions and as platforms for developing proximity-driven chemical reactions. Our endeavors in the field of proximity labeling produce probes for tailored editing of biomolecule structures. The laboratory has multidisciplinary expertise in organic synthesis, automated peptide synthesis, physical-organic chemistry, peptide biophysics, and chemical biology. As toolmakers, we love to collaborate to bring our chemical probes into practice.

Laboratory of Analytical Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry
prof. RNDr. Přemysl Lubal, Ph.D.

The laboratory is engaged in physico-chemical study of thermodynamic and kinetic properties of macrocyclic ligands and their metal complexes as well as other supramolecular systems for their application in (bio)analytical and medicinal chemistry. Another important research direction is the development of chemosensors and sensor arrays for detection by optical and electroanalytical methods or the synthesis and application of nanoparticles for use in (bio)analytical chemistry. Finally, we also focus on innovation and didactics in analytical chemistry. These interdisciplinary research projects at the interface of analytical, coordination, physical chemistry as well as biochemistry are carried out in collaboration with research groups in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Atomic Spectroscopy Laboratory
prof. RNDr. Viktor Kanický, DrSc.

The research group focuses on fundamental research on the interaction of pulsed laser radiation with a sample for the purpose of introducing the sample into an inductively coupled plasma source with ion detection by mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) or optical emission spectrometry (LA-ICP-OES) and for the study and use of laser excited discharge in the atmosphere above the sample surface for optical emission spectrometry (LIBS). Analytical applications are based on the development of new, original methods using plasma spectrometry for the analysis of biological, geological and environmental materials and cultural heritage objects. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with laser ablation (LA-ICP-MS), atomic emission spectrometry with an ICP source (ICP-OES), laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (ED-XRF) are used for elemental determinations ranging from major constituents to ultra-trace contents. Research topics include elemental imaging of biological tissues to monitor the effect of anticancer drugs (LA-ICP-MS), studying the use of metal nanoparticles for immunoassays (LA-ICP-MS), imaging the distribution of elements and isotopes in rocks and minerals for the study of geochemical processes (LA-ICP-MS, LIBS), development of software tools for spectral data processing and image generation, research and development of new methods for direct analysis of solid samples of geological materials and advanced technological materials (ED-XRF, LIBS, LA-ICP-MS). Research is also focused on sample digestion and conversion to the solution using advanced technologies (microwave digestion, induction melting) for ICP-OES, ICP-MS and AAS analysis and for sample preparation for solid state analysis (LA-ICP-MS, LIBS, ED-XRF). The basic research is focused on the study of the influence of laser ablation parameters on the aerosol particle distribution and vaporization in the plasma with implications for element and isotope fractionation, as well as on the study of ablated surface properties including roughness and nanoparticle coverage on aerosol distribution and analytical signal. LIBS is being studied as a new method for nanoparticle immunoassay to study the bioaccumulation of nanoparticles and quantum dots in plants. Contamination of Antarctic biotic and abiotic samples is studied using atomic absorption and fluorescence spectrometry.

Laboratory of Bioanalytical Instrumentation
prof. Mgr. Jan Preisler, Ph.D.

The research mission is to develop instrumentation and methods for faster and more sensitive bioanalysis. We use mass spectrometry for imaging of biological tissues, capillary electrophoresis coupled to either mass spectrometry or laser-induced fluorescence for separations. We are also interested in bioanalytical applications of nanoparticles.

Separation Methods Laboratory
doc. RNDr. Jiří Urban, Ph.D.

The research group develop new separation methods suitable for the targeted analysis of low- and high-molecular compounds. They use polymer-based stationary phases allowing tailored and controlled surface modification. They also focus on development of new instrumental setups for multidimensional separations of complex samples.

Laboratory of Luminescence Methods
doc. Mgr. Petr Táborský, Ph.D.

The research group is currently involved in a number of research projects with interdisciplinary character on the frontiers of analytical, medicinal, and physical chemistry and biochemistry. Except for the luminescence spectroscopy, we also deal with various spectroscopic, microscopic, and separation techniques.

Physical Chemistry

Laboratory of Applied Quantum Chemistry
doc. Mgr. Markéta Munzarová, Dr. rer. nat.

The research group is currently focused on four fields of research:

  • Mechanism of Alkyne Bromoboration: A Quantum Chemical Study of Reaction Pathways. Based on tight in-house cooperation with the experimental group of prof. Ctibor Mazal. Thematically on the boundary between physical and organic chemistry.
  • Diels-Alder reactions leading to forskolin derivatives: A theoretical study of activation barriers and related orbital-interaction interpretation. Based on tight in-house cooperation with experimental groups of prof. Kamil Paruch and Dr. Jakub Švenda. Thematically on the boundary between physical and organic chemistry.
  • Structural study of hybrid silicophosphates: Model-identification, structure-NMR relationships, and understanding of the influence of the Si and P coordination on forming SiO6 centers in polymers. Based on tight experimental cooperation. Based on close in-house collaboration with experimental groups of prof. Jiří Pinkas and Dr. Aleš Stýskalík. Thematically on the boundary between physical and inorganic chemistry.
  • Thioredoxin reductase interaction with Au complexes and their influence on enzyme’s catalytical activity. Based on the analysis of published experimental data; in close collaboration with a theoretical group of prof. Jaroslav V. Burda, Charles University, Prague. Thematically on the boundary between physical chemistry and biochemistry.
Ice (Photo)Chemistry and (Photo)Physics Research Group
doc. Mgr. Dominik Heger, Ph.D.

The group is focused on the research of physicochemical properties of ice and its interactions with present substances, rational optimization of freezing process for lossless cryo- and lyoprotection of biochemically important substances. Furthermore, we are working on the understanding of the behaviour of substances in the ice matrix using spectroscopic, electrochemical and microscopic techniques and, last but not least, chemical actinometry with a focus on photon flows through ice. The application of our basic research is towards utility for pharmaceutical freezing and environmental sciences.

Laboratories of Biophysical and Protein Chemistry
doc. RNDr. Mgr. Jozef Hritz, Ph.D.

The research group of biophysical and protein chemistry is engaged in preparation and characterization of selected and specific types of proteins carried out using genetically modified organisms. Moreover deals with study of the interaction of selected proteins and their mutual interactions using bioinformatics software. Calculation of structural complementarity of selected proteins and their specific residues. Modern scientific research is focused on the fields of molecular biophysics and structural biology within international projects. The research group, in cooperation with the CEITEC-MU research center, is currently involved in the ADDIT-CE, InterTau and GAMU-Interdisciplinary projects. The research carried out as part of these projects is mainly aimed at improving the diagnosis of pathological changes in patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Electrochemistry Research Group
prof. RNDr. Jan Hrbáč, Ph.D.

The research group specializes in the development of sensors and electrochemical detectors designed for the detection of low molecular weight substances with environmental, pharmaceutical, and biomedical significance. The main research focus is the design and experimental verification of functional layers that provide electrodes with the necessary sensitivity and selectivity towards the analyzed substances. We also dedicate ourselves to developing detectors for flow injection analysis (FIA) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Another research area is the development of electrochemical procedures for creating nanostructured metal layers, which are applicable as substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS).

Laboratory of Structural Chemistry
prof. RNDr. Radek Marek, Ph.D.

The research group is focused on the development of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), revealing binding and spatial arrangements of atoms in molecular and supramolecular systems. We develop theoretical concepts and pursue various practical applications. The subjects of our investigation are biologically active coordination compounds of transition metals including antitumor metallodrugs based on platinum and ruthenium and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents containing lanthanides. Synthesized metallocomplexes are further mixed with macrocyclic carriers resulting in supramolecular inclusion complexes of enhanced biological activity. To determine and predict the NMR shifts of light atoms in paramagnetic coordination compounds, binding affinity of metallodrugs to transport systems, and supramolecular arrangements of complex systems, experimental NMR measurements are complemented by DFT calculations and methods of molecular modelling.

Research Group of Modelling of Materials
doc. Mgr. Jana Pavlů, Ph.D.

The Group of Modelling of Materials deals with the modelling of mainly metallic systems, which are interesting both from the point of view of materials research and physico-chemical properties. In our research, we apply two types of calculations: quantum-mechanical and semi-empirical thermodynamic. Quantum-mechanical calculations based on DFT (Density Functional Theory) provide us with information about the structure, energy and magnetism of individual materials, including an assessment of the effect of structural defects on their properties. Semi-empirical thermodynamic modelling based on the CALPHAD (CALculations of PHase Diagrams) method, in turn, provides us with information about phase equilibria and diagrams of complex metal systems and thermodynamic properties of the studied structures. The studied materials include thermoelectrics, magnetic nanoparticles, materials with surface-induced magnetism or with potential use for hydrogen storage, silicon carbides, special steels, etc. Of the studied phases, we pay attention to, for example, the sigma and Laves phases, which significantly influence the mechanical properties of materials. The problems significant from a theoretical point of view include modelling phase equilibria at low temperatures or optimising and searching for suitable models that fully describe the physical nature and behaviour of the phases. The studied phenomena are also analysed experimentally at the collaborating workplaces, for example, using electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction or thermal analysis.

Laboratory for Research on the Structure and Properties of Metallic Systems
prof. RNDr. Mojmír Šob, DrSc.

One of the pillars of scientific activities of our group is the theoretical research of electronic structure and of mechanical as well as magnetic properties of materials containing extended defects (grain boundaries, antiphase and interphase boundaries). We study also the surface effects and properties of surfaces. Here we employ the basic equations of quantum mechanics. This enables us to gain a deeper understanding of internal constitution of materials and relations between their structure and technologically important properties.

An important part of the group is constituted by the Laboratory of Thermal Analysis and Mass Spectrometry. It deals with the study of thermal effects, in particular of phase transformations, thermodynamic properties, thermodynamic and surface processes, and reaction kinetics by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry (KEMS). The research is focused mainly on the study of thermoelectric materials, nanostructured and nano materials, and related systems.

Another area of the activity of the research group is represented by the theoretical and experimental study of nanoparticles of metals and their alloys. In the theoretical field, we are concerned with the prediction of phase diagrams of nanoalloys and, in particular, with their verification. The focus of the experimental area is the synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles.

Laboratory of Materials and Precursor Synthesis
prof. RNDr. Jiří Pinkas, Ph.D.

The research in our group is aimed at several areas of synthesis of inorganic materials. We prepare mesoporous materials with large surface area - phosphosilicates, metallo-silicates, and metallophosphates and inorganic-organic hybrid materials derived from them. We use a synthetic method developed by us based on non-hydrolytic sol-gel reactions, which are unique in that they take place under moisture exclusion and are based on the easy elimination of small molecules. The reactions provide materials with a highly homogenous distribution of components. We also employ molecular building units based on a cubic spherosilicate (Me3Sn)8Si8O20 and incorporate them into porous networks by reactions with metal alkyls or halides and by crosslinking with bifunctional silyl chlorides. The reactions provide well-defined catalytic centers embedded in porous silicate matrices. Another research area is the chemical synthesis of nano- and microfibers by the electrospinning technique. We prepare fibers of silica, metal oxides, sulfides, and elemental metals. The WS2 nanofibers are composed of inorganic fullerene-like nanostructures. Thermolytic, sonochemical, and reductive reactions are used to prepare nanoparticles of metals, alloys, mixed metal oxides, and metal phosphates. The obtained materials are of interest for their chemical, catalytic, and magnetic properties. Our research is also directed towards the synthesis of new polytopic ligands and their utilization in the construction of polynuclear homo- and heterometallic transition metal and lanthanide phosphonate complexes and functional coordination polymers with interesting properties (magnetic, porous, luminescent).

Research Group of Conservation and Restoration Chemistry, LIBS, XRF and ICP OES Spectrometry
doc. Mgr. Karel Novotný, Ph.D.

The research group focuses on the development of procedures, methods, and materials for the conservation and restoration of objects made of inorganic (metals, stone, ceramics, glass), organic (wood, paper, leather, textiles), and polymeric (nano-fibrous non-woven textiles, rubber etc.) materials. The developed methodologies are designed to be used by workers responsible for protecting and restoring collection items, such as workers in museums, archives, galleries, or open-air museums. The research is further focused on using plasma, specifically optical emission spectrometry inductively coupled plasma in solution analysis (ICP-OES) and in the treatment of collection objects by plasma discharge. The group is also involved in developing methods for analyzing solid samples using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS).

Laboratory of Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Heterogeneous Catalysts
Mgr. Aleš Stýskalík, Ph.D.

Research group deals with the synthesis of new materials (especially amorphous silicates and metal phosphates with a high specific surface area with an emphasis on anhydrous preparations), their thorough characterization and use in heterogeneous catalysis. Thanks to the thorough characterization and thus detailed knowledge of the newly synthesized materials, the correlations between the synthesis procedures of the samples and their catalytic properties is studied. At present, the group focuses on the conversion of ethanol (to ethylene, acetaldehyde, or butadiene), reactions of epoxides (e.g. with CO2, amines and alcohols) and related reactions (e.g. MPV reduction of cyclohexanone).

Didactics of Chemistry

doc. Mgr. Jana Pavlů, Ph.D.

Chemistry teacher study (often combined with biology, mathematics or physics teacher study) has a long-standing tradition at the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University. The section of Didactics of Chemistry brings together academic staff specialised in field didactics, which is an integral part of this study, and the related agenda.
Our activities ensure high-quality preparation of future chemistry teachers for the performance of their profession (both in bachelor's and subsequent master's studies, as well as through lifelong education).

Educational and pedagogical activities
The staff of the section teaches many courses (e.g., Physical Chemistry, Principles of Organic Chemistry, Repetitorium of high school chemistry, Education in Chemistry, Reflective Seminars 1 and 2, Demonstration Experiments 1 and 2, and Teaching Materials in Chemistry); they participate in student practices at schools such as Initial teacher training, Teaching Chemistry 1 and 2 and other and supervise bachelor's and diploma theses. Students interested in a didactically-oriented thesis can contact us.
Employees of the section are also engaged in writing of textbooks (cooperation with the publishing house Taktik) and methodical publications for teachers; they introduce new teaching trends and approaches, including new information technologies, and support modern and traditional experimental activities.

In addition, the section staff is dedicated to didactic theory and research. In this area, they mainly focus on research related to the creation of textbooks, teaching materials and the teaching of chemistry at various school levels; the use of artificial intelligence in the teaching of chemistry and the development and implementation of experiments in teaching.

Cooperation with the public

In addition to teaching and research work, we also organise activities and meetings related to the teaching, study and popularisation of chemistry, such as:


  • support for competitions aimed at student development (science olympiads, SOČ (Středoškolská Odborná Činnost, i.e. Students' Professional Activities), membership in subject olympiad committees, provision of premises and personnel for the chemistry olympiad and creation of its content),
  • preparatory seminars for the Chemistry Olympiad,
  • work with gifted students (participation in the organisation of a chemistry club for secondary school students),
  • correspondence seminar for secondary school students interested in chemistry ViBuCh (Vzdělávací i-kurz pro Budoucí Chemiky, i.e., Educational i-course for Future Chemists),
  • laboratory practices for elementary and secondary schools,
  • development of websites dealing with the teaching and popularisation of Chemistry:
    Učit se učit (the chemical part and the website concept),
    Databáze chemických pokusů Sci MUNI,
  • Chemist's cafe (informal meeting over a cup of coffee for teaching students, chemistry teachers and the public on interesting topics in chemistry and chemistry didactics),
  • Researchers' Night,
  • MUNI Open days,
  • organisation of continuing-education courses and conferences for chemistry teachers,
  • cooperation with schools (for examlpe Střední průmyslová škola chemická v Brně including Přírodovědné gymnázium, Škola příběhem – církevní základní škola a gymnázium, Gymnázium Tišnov, Biskupské gymnázium v Brně, Gymnázium Brno‑Bystrc and Gymnázium Brno, třída Kapitána Jaroše).

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