Doctoral degree study


The doctoral study program in Chemistry aims at training highly skilled specialists in five specialization fields of study - analytical, inorganic, physical, materials, and organic chemistry. Training of doctoral students is carried out at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and is based on scientific research and independent creative activity in selected fields and areas of research or development.

An important goal of doctoral studies is also gaining a broad scientific view of the discipline, international experience, and language skills, which is facilitated by research stays at domestic and foreign partner institutions and by active participation at national and international scientific conferences. The ultimate goal of this study is to obtain significant scientific results that can be published in prestigious journals and finally summarize them in a doctoral dissertation thesis.

Graduates of the Chemistry program according to their specialization field find employment at university departments, at institutes of the Academy of Sciences, at various research institutes, and control laboratories in private firms and government institutions. Further opportunities are found in chemical, pharmaceutical, electronic, and food industries, laboratories in the fields of environmental protection, health care, agriculture and biotechnology. They also find employment in areas of development and production of instrumentation and also in qualified sales and services. Graduates are flexible and easily adapt to various requirements of chemistry oriented companies, and they are trained not only for professional careers in their specialization, but their wide-ranging education allows them to adjust easily for careers in other fields as well. By their work in research teams and by their educational work in bachelor's and master's degree programs, the doctoral students also cultivate their ability to lead younger colleagues. By that they acquire further essential experience for their expected professional role as executives. Language skills, international contacts, and study stays abroad allow graduates to find employment also at foreign leading institutions.

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Analytical Geochemist

The aim of the interdisciplinary doctoral study program Analytical Geochemist is to prepare highly qualified specialists with knowledge and skills in the fields of Analytical Chemistry and Geology. The PhD students are prepared at two institutes of the Faculty of Science, the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Geological Sciences.

The study is based on independent creative activity and research of experimental characters under the guidance of a supervisor. The theoretical knowledge of analytical chemistry and geology, which the student acquires by completing courses with a deepening and broadening focus, is complemented by practical experience with modern techniques of instrumental analysis.

Thanks to the interconnection of analytical chemistry and geology, graduates of the Analytical Geochemical Doctoral program will find employment in scientific and research institutions such as the Academy of Sciences, universities, Czech Geological Survey, and Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, but also in technologically oriented jobs: the collection and treatment of waste, eventually wastewater treatment, in state administration, especially the environmental protection departments. Graduates will be prepared to work in the mining and energy industries, such as companies engaged in mining, geological exploration, and projection, as well as in industrial companies focusing on metallurgical, engineering, glass, and ceramic production.

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