Bachelor Degree Study Programme in Czech


During the bachelor's program studies, you will gain knowledge of all areas of chemistry and a basic insight into the physics and mathematics needed for a general overview in the natural sciences. After the first year, you can choose the specialty Analytical Chemist - Manager of Chemical Laboratory, which is focused on the development of knowledge and skills required in quality assurance and control in analytical laboratories, or interdisciplinary study at the border of biology, physics, and chemistry in the specialty Biophysical Chemistry, or you can further develop a broad range of chemistry knowledge in the Chemistry study plan.

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Chemistry and Technology of Materials for Conservation-Restoration

The Bachelor's study program Chemistry and Technology of Materials for Conservation-Restoration prepare experts for the care of objects of cultural heritage and as well as their preservation, which are made of natural and synthetic materials. During studies, students will learn about the inorganic and organic materials from which these artifacts were made and the methods and procedures used in their treatment.

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Chemistry with a view to Education

The study program is a part of a double-subject program and constitutes the first level of university studies leading to a teaching qualification for secondary schools. You can combine chemistry with mathematics, biology, physics or geography and cartography. You will study expert subjects from both study fields, the basics of pedagogy and psychology, and you will attend a short teaching practice at a secondary school. We cooperate with high schools and perform various activities for high school students or for the public, and you can join it.

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Follow-up master’s degree study programme in Czech


The follow-up master's degree study program in Chemistry can be studied according to seven study plans. According to your preferences, you can focus on gaining the knowledge and skills required in analytical practice (specialization Analytical Chemistry), focus on interdisciplinary studies at the border of chemistry and physics, or even biology (specialization Physical/Biophysical Chemistry), become experts in the advanced synthesis of inorganic/organic compounds (Inorganic/Organic Chemistry) or new materials, including nanotechnologies (Materials Chemistry) or learn advanced theoretical and experimental techniques applicable to the determination of the structure of low molecular substances to large biomacromolecules (Structural Chemistry).

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Chemistry and Technology of Materials for Conservation-Restoration

After completing the bachelor's degree program Chemistry and Technology of Materials for Conservation-Restoration, the student gains an overview of chemical disciplines and methods of chemical and instrumental analysis for the purposes of chemical and material research of cultural heritage objects. In the master's study, they will deepen their knowledge of the materials, methodologies and procedures used in the field of cultural heritage objects care, which were made from inorganic (metals, stone, ceramics, glass), organic (textiles, leather, paper) or polymeric (natural and synthetic polymers, wood) materials.

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Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Chemistry

Master's study program Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Chemistry is a follow-up of the bachelor's study program Chemistry with a view to Education; however, after passing the admission procedure, it is suitable for graduates of any bachelor's chemistry program. The study is a double-subject; you can combine chemistry with mathematics, biology, physics or geography and cartography. The goal of the study is to deepen knowledge of specific chemical disciplines. Each student chooses courses according to their interests and relevant to the topic of their master's thesis. Specific courses in pedagogy and didactics of Chemistry and several practical training courses at secondary schools prepare students for their careers as chemistry teachers at upper secondary schools.

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