Doctoral Studies


Guarantor of doctoral degree programme Chemistry: prof. RNDr. Jiří Pinkas, Ph.D.

Study information

Students in full-time form of study shall receive a monthly stipend to support their studies in a doctoral program (see MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations).

The amount of the scholarship to support study in a doctoral study programme is determined by a measure of the Rector for the current calendar year.

  • The minimum amount of the scholarship for the support of studies in the doctoral studies programme in the period from 1st January to 31st August 2024 is 15,000 CZK.
  • The minimum amount of the scholarship for the support of studies in the doctoral studies programme in the period from 1st January to 31st August 2024 is 16,000 CZK.

The amount is sent at the beginning of each month by a bank transfer to the student's account, which he/she has entered into the IS.

Exceptionally, students may be awarded a scholarship for outstanding results in research or development activities, for an outstanding dissertation or publication, or a significant representation of the faculty. These scholarships are proposed by the student's supervisor, the Head of the Department, or the Dean of the Faculty.

The decisions on granting scholarships to students are delivered via e-mail to their e-mail address in the IS.

The scholarship cannot be paid until the decision made has come into legal force. Under the Higher Education Act, a student has the right to request a re-evaluation of the decision made regarding the scholarship within 30 days of its delivery. The decision comes into force only after the expiry of this period. The student can, therefore, speed up the entire process by making a statement that he/she waives their right to request a re-evaluation of the decision made. This statement (waiver) is part of the online "confirmation of acceptance", as mentioned above.

The decision in certificated paper form will be issued to the student upon request at the Dean's Office.

Scholarships from Specific Research Projects
  • A - scholarships to support the publishing activities of DSP and master's students
    (until September 30)
  • B - scholarships to support the active participation of DSP and master's students in the conference
    (until March 1)
  • C - scholarships to support another type of mobility of DSP and master's students
    (until March 1)

Rules for the scholarships


Doctoral program Chemistry

Milestone 1 – End of the 1st semester

  • students in cooperation with their supervisors prepare detailed Individual Study Plans (ISP)
  • ISP has to b eapproved by the Doctoral Board of Chemistry program by the end of the 1st semester

Milestone 2 – End of the 4th semester

  • students complete all courses of theoretical studies, 4 courses successfully completed with examination and 4 courses successfully completed with colloquium or credits
  • students complete Field seminar and Doctoral seminar in Chemistry (XD107) and acquire credits for each semester
  • students complete Handling chemical substances (C7777) course in each Fall semester
  • students prove fulfillment of their language competence in chemical English
  • students fulfill requirements (150 hrs) of pedagogical development by acquiring credits for Teaching Assistance (XD102)
  • students complete other requirements according to their ISP
  • students prepare the thesis of dissertation‐ 10‐20 pages of English text, plus references, figures and schemes, comprehensive theoretical introduction into the topic, description of state‐of‐art knowledge, brief description of conducted experiments, results, discussion and plans
  • students submit the thesis and application for the doctoral state examination
  • students complete the doctoral state examination during 5th or 6th semester

Milestone 3 – End of standard length of study (end of the 8th semester)

  • students prepare their dissertation thesis for defense by completing Dissertation preparation (XD100)
  • students fulfill requirements of publication by publishing their results in scientific literature
  • students complete seminars and acquire credits for the Field seminar, where attendance is compulsory during the actual length of study, this seminar is not compulsory for students in the combined form of studies
  • students complete seminars and acquire credits for the Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies (XD107), where attendance is compulsory during the actual length of study. This course is conducted as a doctoral student conference at the end of each semester. Students present two posters during their studies and in the semester preceding their dissertation defense present a lecture summarizing their results of dissertation work. This seminar is compulsory for students in the combined form of studies during the standard length of studies (the first 4 years), the lecture before dissertation defense is compulsory for both forms of studies (full‐time and combined)
  • students complete Handling chemical substances (C7777) course in each Fall semester
  • students prove fulfillment of requirement of presentation at an international conference by acquiring credits for Lecture in foreign language (XD106)
  • students prove fulfillment of international cooperation by acquiring credits for Internship (XD110)
  • students submit application for the dissertation thesis defense

The results must be published, or at least accepted for publication, in a renowned scientific journal. The doctoral student should clearly specify in the thesis his/her contribution to each of the papers.

The admission of the doctoral thesis for the defense is based on fulfilling of the following criteria:

1. The student is an author of 2 publications in journals ranked in quartiles Q1 or Q2 in a particular category according to Web of Science. If the publication is ranked in more than one category, the best rank is considered. The student is the first author of at least one of these publications. (Co‐/authorship of a submitted or granted international patent application may be accepted as authorship of one of these publications, but only based on specific approval by the Doctoral Board).


2. The student is the first author of one publication in journals ranked in the first decile in a particular category according to the Web of Science with an exception of review articles (this alternative is allowed only based on specific approval by the Doctoral Board).

Presentation of results

Minimum once during the whole study period a student must present his/her results as an oral presentation at an international seminar or a conference in English

An international seminar or a conference can take place in CZ, but the conference language must be English.

Students register for the Lecture in the foreign language (XD106) course. Credits are awarded by supervisors by a person designated in advance by the Doctoral Board Fulfillment of XD106 at the end of study is checked by the Dean‘s Office according to records in IS.MUNI

Courses and theoretical preparation

Courses selected from Catalogues of Faculty of Science, other faculties of MU, or other universities Selection of courses for ISP ‐ according to deficiencies, requirements of particular specialization, and General topics of SDE Can be specified for each semester.

Each Fall semester complete course Handling chemical substances (C7777) Fulfillment checked by the Dean‘s Office according to records in IS.MUNI

Students should successfully complete by the end of 4th sem. minimum of 8 courses:

  • 4 courses completed by an exam
  • 4 courses completed by colloquium or credit

Preferentially complete courses taught in English Fulfillment of 4+4 is checked by the Dean‘s Office according to records in IS.MUN at the end of 4th semester Courses completed abroad are approved by the Doctoral Board.

Student conference XD107

Results of student conference XD107

Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies (XD107) at the end of each semester.

Students attend student conferences and acquire credits for XD107, where attendance is compulsory during the actual length of study. This course is conducted as a doctoral student conference at the end of each semester. Students present two posters during their studies and in the semester preceding their dissertation defense present a lecture summarizing their results of dissertation work. This seminar is compulsory for students in the combined form of studies during the standard length of studies (the first 4 years), the lecture before dissertation defense is compulsory for both forms of studies (full‐time and combined)

Stay or internship abroad and international cooperation

The CZ government mandates fulfillment of minimum 1 month stay abroad or participation in international cooperation project.

The Doctoral Board recommends minimum 1 semester. Student completes once per study period Internship XD110 course. Credit value is variable and primarily depends on the length of stay. Credits awarded by the Dean‘s Office Other forms of international cooperation, besides the stay, such as a joint publication, presentation of results, participation in joint research, must be approved by the head of the Doctoral Board in order to obtain credits for XD110.

Information to Stay Abroad

Pedagogical competences

Mandatory 150 hours through the entire doctoral studies (12 credits). Students should gain pedagogical competencies by active participation in contact classroom work and/or instructing classes (typically seminars and lab. courses) or by advising bachelor or master students. Fulfillment of XD102 is checked by the Dean‘s Office in the 1‐ 4 semester according to IS.MUNI.

Development of soft skills

Development of soft skills:

  • Preparation of research project applications
  • Participation in other soft‐skills courses based on the availability, protection of intellectual properties, author rights, and patent laws
  • Learning process of manuscript submission and article revisions and handling submission e‐systems
  • Planned in ISP
Schedule for the academic year
Name of term Autumn 2024 Spring 2025
Timetable release date 8/31/2024 1/31/2025
Start date registration for courses 6/3/2024 11/11/2024
End date registration for courses 7/31/2024 12/31/2024
Start date course enrolment period 9/1/2024 2/1/2025
End date course enrolment period 9/15/2024 2/16/2025
Start date course enrolment changes 9/16/2024 2/17/2025
Teaching start date 9/16/2024 2/17/2025
End date course enrolment changes 9/29/2024 3/2/2025
Teaching end date 12/20/2024 5/26/2025
Examination period start date 1/2/2025 5/27/2025
Examination period end date 2/14/2025 7/7/2025
Extended examination period start date non-existing non-existing
Extended examination period end date non-existing non-existing
Start application submission period non-existing non-existing
End application submission period 1/2/2025 5/31/2025
Start state examination period 1/27/2025 6/2/2025
End state examination period 2/14/2025 6/27/2025
Master's final state examination Start application submission period non-existing non-existing
End application submission period 1/2/2025 5/31/2025
Start state examination period 1/27/2025 6/2/2025
End state examination period 2/14/2025 6/27/2025
Master's final state examination Start application submission period non-existing non-existing
End application submission period non-existing non-existing
Start state examination period non-existing non-existing
End state examination period non-existing non-existing
state advanced ('rigorozni') examination Start application submission period 9/1/2024 non-existing
End application submission period 9/30/2024 non-existing
Start state examination period 11/1/2024 non-existing
End state examination period 2/14/2025 non-existing
Information on the completion of studies
Guidelines for Drawing Up Doctoral Theses at the Faculty of Science Masaryk University

Doctoral dissertation thesis contains :

  • An overview of up‐to‐date literary knowledge in given scientific field
  • Important impulses for the work
  • Experimental part describing experiments in detail
  • Results which are described, documented and discussed in the context of contemporary scientific knowledge
  • The final summary of results and conclusions
  • Czech and English abstract
  • The list of references
  • The list of abbreviations used in the thesis

Instructions are given by Measure No. 8/2019 of the Dean of the Faculty of Science Masaryk University.

The form and language of the dissertation

The preferred form of dissertation in the Chemistry program is a summary elaboration. A possible form is an annotated set of published scientific publications.

The dissertation can be written in Czech or English. If the dissertation is in English, the defense and reviews should be in English.

Theses of Dissertation

The student has to submit Theses of Dissertation one month before State Doctoral Exam to the Doctoral Board.

The thesis text should include 10‐20 pages of English text, plus references, figures and schemes, comprehensive theoretical introduction into the topic, description of state‐of‐art knowledge, brief description of conducted experiments, results (possibly publications and presentations), discussion and plans Theses are supposed to be used as an Introduction in the dissertation work


Thesis of Dissertation – template EN

State Doctoral Exam

Students submit to the Doctoral Board application for State Doctoral Exam at the end of 4th semester and submit Theses of Dissertation one month before State Doctoral Exam.

The Doctoral Board organizes State Doctoral Exam during 5th‐ 6th semester.

General topics for the doctoral state examination in Chemistry doctoral program:

Analytical Chemistry

  • Modern trends in analytical chemistry
  • Molecular and atomic spectrometry
  • Separation methods
  • Electroanalytical methods
  • Analytical methods employed in applicant’s thesis

Inorganic Chemistry

  • Modern trends in inorganic chemistry
  • Structural inorganic chemistry and methods for studying properties of inorganic compounds
  • Coordination chemistry
  • Solid state chemistry and inorganic materials chemistry
  • Organometallic chemistry

Physical Chemistry

  • Modern trends in physical chemistry
  • Physical chemistry of equilibrium and non equilibrium systems
  • Theoretical and experimental methods of studies of structure of atoms and molecules
  • Physical chemistry of dynamic changes
  • Physico‐chemical basis of methods used in dissertation work

Materials Chemistry

  • Modern trends in materials chemistry
  • Structure of materials and methods of study of material properties
  • Testing of material properties
  • Chemistry and phase transformations in materials

Organic Chemistry

  • Experimental and theoretical methods for study of structure and reactivity of organic compounds
  • Synthesis of organic compounds
  • Practical applications of organic compounds
  • Modern trends in organic chemistry
Application for thesis defense 

The student submits with his/her application for thesis defense following documents:

1. Summary of thesis in Czech and English

2. Curriculum vitae of the author

3. List of publications and conference presentations

Analytical Geochemist

Guarantor of doctoral degree programme Analytical Geochemist​: prof. RNDr. Viktor Kanický, DrSc.

Study information

Students in full-time form of study shall receive a monthly stipend to support their studies in a doctoral program (see MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations).

The amount of the scholarship to support study in a doctoral study programme is determined by a measure of the Rector for the current calendar year.

  • The minimum amount of the scholarship for the support of studies in the doctoral studies programme in the period from 1st January to 31st August 2024 is 15,000 CZK.
  • The minimum amount of the scholarship for the support of studies in the doctoral studies programme in the period from 1st January to 31st August 2024 is 16,000 CZK.

The amount is sent at the beginning of each month by a bank transfer to the student's account, which he/she has entered into the IS.

Exceptionally, students may be awarded a scholarship for outstanding results in research or development activities, for an outstanding dissertation or publication, or a significant representation of the faculty. These scholarships are proposed by the student's supervisor, the Head of the Department, or the Dean of the Faculty.

The decisions on granting scholarships to students are delivered via e-mail to their e-mail address in the IS.

The scholarship cannot be paid until the decision made has come into legal force. Under the Higher Education Act, a student has the right to request a re-evaluation of the decision made regarding the scholarship within 30 days of its delivery. The decision comes into force only after the expiry of this period. The student can, therefore, speed up the entire process by making a statement that he/she waives their right to request a re-evaluation of the decision made. This statement (waiver) is part of the online "confirmation of acceptance", as mentioned above.

The decision in certificated paper form will be issued to the student upon request at the Dean's Office.

Scholarships from Specific Research Projects
  • A - scholarships to support the publishing activities of DSP and master's students
    (until September 30)
  • B - scholarships to support the active participation of DSP and master's students in the conference
    (until March 1)
  • C - scholarships to support another type of mobility of DSP and master's students
    (until March 1)

Rules for the scholarships


Doctoral program Analytical Geochemist

Milestone 1 - End of the 1st semester

  • The student together with the supervisor will prepare a detailed ISP, which will be approved by the Subject Council of the Analytical Geochemist.

Milestone 2 - End of the 4th semester

  • the student completes all theoretical and practical training courses, which will prove successful completion of 4 courses extending theoretical knowledge and deepening knowledge of a broader scientific field (completed exam) and 4 courses deepening specialized knowledge of the field (completed colloquium or credit)
  • the student completes the Seminar and Seminar XD107 and obtains the required number of credits
  • in each autumn semester completes subject Handling chemical substances (C7777)
  • student demonstrates fulfillment of language competence in professional English
  • fulfill the obligations connected with pedagogical development by obtaining credits for the course Teaching Assistance (XD102)
  • student fulfills other additional duties according to ISP
  • the student prepares the thesis of the dissertation
  • the student submits an application for the SDE

Milestone 3 - End of Standard Study Period (end of 8th semester)

  • the student submits the dissertation theses at least one month before the SDE
  • the student will pass the SDE in the 5th to 6th semester
  • student prepares the dissertation for defense by completing the course Dissertation Preparation (XD100)
  • fulfill the conditions of publication activity by publishing the results in specialized literature
  • the student completes the seminars and obtains credits for the Subject Seminar, in which participation is compulsory for the actual period of study, the seminar is not obligatory for students of combined study
  • the student completes and obtains credits for the DSP XD107 Seminar, where attendance is mandatory for the actual period of study. The course is organized by a student conference at the end of each semester. In the case of an internship abroad, the student is acknowledged to have completed XD 107 on the basis of a presentation at a seminar of a working team abroad. The student presents two posters during his / her studies and in the semester before the defense of his / her dissertation he / she will present at the conference with a lecture containing the results of his / her dissertation. The seminar is obligatory for students of combined studies during the standard period of study (first 4 years), the lecture before the defense is obligatory for both forms of study (full-time and combined)
  •  in each autumn semester completes subject Handling chemical substances (C7777)
  • the student proves fulfillment of the obligation to present at a foreign conference by obtaining credit for the course Professional Lecture in a Foreign Language (XD106)
  • student proves fulfillment of international cooperation by obtaining credit for the course Foreign Work Stay (XD110)
  • the student submits an application for the defense of the dissertation

The results must be published, or at least accepted for publication, in a renowned scientific journal. The doctoral student should clearly specify in the thesis his/her contribution to each of the papers.

The admission of the doctoral thesis for the defense is based on fulfilling of the following criteria:

1. The student is an author of 2 publications in journals ranked in quartiles Q1 or Q2 in a particular category according to Web of Science. If the publication is ranked in more than one category, the best rank is considered. The student is the first author of at least one of these publications. (Co‐/authorship of a submitted or granted international patent application may be accepted as authorship of one of these publications, but only based on specific approval by the Doctoral Board).


2. The student is the first author of one publication in journals ranked in the first decile in a particular category according to the Web of Science with an exception of review articles (this alternative is allowed only based on specific approval by the Doctoral Board).

Presentation of results

Minimum once during the whole study period a student must present his/her results as an oral presentation at an international seminar or a conference in English

An international seminar or a conference can take place in CZ, but the conference language must be English.

Students register for the Lecture in the foreign language (XD106) course. Credits are awarded by supervisors by a person designated in advance by the Doctoral Board Fulfillment of XD106 at the end of study is checked by the Dean‘s Office according to records in IS.MUNI

Courses and theoretical preparation

Courses selected from Catalogues of Faculty of Science, other faculties of MU, or other universities Selection of courses for ISP ‐ according to deficiencies, requirements of particular specialization, and General topics of SDE Can be specified for each semester.

Each Fall semester complete course Handling chemical substances (C7777) Fulfillment checked by the Dean‘s Office according to records in IS.MUNI

Students should successfully complete by the end of 4th sem. minimum of 8 courses:

  • 4 courses completed by an exam
  • 4 courses completed by colloquium or credit

Preferentially complete courses taught in English Fulfillment of 4+4 is checked by the Dean‘s Office according to records in IS.MUN at the end of 4th semester Courses completed abroad are approved by the Doctoral Board.

Student conference XD107

Seminar of Ph.D. Chemistry studies (XD107) at the end of each semester.

Students attend student conferences and acquire credits for XD107, where attendance is compulsory during the actual length of study. This course is conducted as a doctoral student conference at the end of each semester. Students present two posters during their studies and in the semester preceding their dissertation defense present a lecture summarizing their results of dissertation work. This seminar is compulsory for students in the combined form of studies during the standard length of studies (the first 4 years), the lecture before dissertation defense is compulsory for both forms of studies (full‐time and combined)

Stay or internship abroad and international cooperation

The CZ government mandates fulfillment of minimum 1 month stay abroad or participation in international cooperation project.

Student completes once per study period Internship XD110 course. Credit value is variable and primarily depends on the length of stay. Credits awarded by the Dean‘s Office Other forms of international cooperation, besides the stay, such as a joint publication, presentation of results, participation in joint research, must be approved by the head of the Doctoral Board in order to obtain credits for XD110.

Information to Stay Abroad

Pedagogical competences

Mandatory 150 hours through the entire doctoral studies (12 credits). Students should gain pedagogical competencies by active participation in contact classroom work and/or instructing classes (typically seminars and lab. courses) or by advising bachelor or master students. Fulfillment of XD102 is checked by the Dean‘s Office in the 1‐ 4 semester according to IS.MUNI.

Development of soft skills

Development of soft skills:

  • Preparation of research project applications
  • Participation in other soft‐skills courses based on the availability, protection of intellectual properties, author rights, and patent laws
  • Learning process of manuscript submission and article revisions and handling submission e‐systems
  • Planned in ISP
Schedule for the academic year
Name of term Autumn 2024 Spring 2025
Timetable release date 8/31/2024 1/31/2025
Start date registration for courses 6/3/2024 11/11/2024
End date registration for courses 7/31/2024 12/31/2024
Start date course enrolment period 9/1/2024 2/1/2025
End date course enrolment period 9/15/2024 2/16/2025
Start date course enrolment changes 9/16/2024 2/17/2025
Teaching start date 9/16/2024 2/17/2025
End date course enrolment changes 9/29/2024 3/2/2025
Teaching end date 12/20/2024 5/26/2025
Examination period start date 1/2/2025 5/27/2025
Examination period end date 2/14/2025 7/7/2025
Extended examination period start date non-existing non-existing
Extended examination period end date non-existing non-existing
Start application submission period non-existing non-existing
End application submission period 1/2/2025 5/31/2025
Start state examination period 1/27/2025 6/2/2025
End state examination period 2/14/2025 6/27/2025
Master's final state examination Start application submission period non-existing non-existing
End application submission period 1/2/2025 5/31/2025
Start state examination period 1/27/2025 6/2/2025
End state examination period 2/14/2025 6/27/2025
Master's final state examination Start application submission period non-existing non-existing
End application submission period non-existing non-existing
Start state examination period non-existing non-existing
End state examination period non-existing non-existing
state advanced ('rigorozni') examination Start application submission period 9/1/2024 non-existing
End application submission period 9/30/2024 non-existing
Start state examination period 11/1/2024 non-existing
End state examination period 2/14/2025 non-existing
Information on the completion of studies
Guidelines for Drawing Up Doctoral Theses at the Faculty of Science Masaryk University

Doctoral dissertation thesis contains :

  • An overview of up‐to‐date literary knowledge in given scientific field
  • Important impulses for the work
  • Experimental part describing experiments in detail
  • Results which are described, documented and discussed in the context of contemporary scientific knowledge
  • The final summary of results and conclusions
  • Czech and English abstract
  • The list of references
  • The list of abbreviations used in the thesis

Instructions are given by Measure No. 8/2019 of the Dean of the Faculty of Science Masaryk University.

The form and language of the dissertation

The preferred form of dissertation is a summary elaboration. A possible form is an annotated set of published scientific publications.

The dissertation can be written in Czech or English. If the dissertation is in English, the defense and reviews should be in English.

Theses of Dissertation

The student has to submit Theses of Dissertation one month before State Doctoral Exam to the Doctoral Board.

The thesis text should include 15‐20 pages of English text, plus references, figures and schemes, comprehensive theoretical introduction into the topic, description of state‐of‐art knowledge, brief description of conducted experiments, results (possibly publications and presentations), discussion and plans Theses are supposed to be used as an Introduction in the dissertation work


Thesis of Dissertation – template EN

State Doctoral Exam

Students submit to the Doctoral Board application for State Doctoral Exam at the end of 4th semester and submit Theses of Dissertation one month before State Doctoral Exam.

The Doctoral Board organizes State Doctoral Exam during 5th‐ 6th semester.

General topics for the doctoral state examination in Analytical Geochemistdoctoral program:

  • Modern trends in analytical chemistry
  • Analytical methods in geochemistry
  • Data processing and statistical analysis
  • Geological processes, mineralogy, petrography, geochemistry
  • Research methods used in the dissertation of the candidate
Application for thesis defense 

The student submits with his/her application for thesis defense following documents:

1. Summary of thesis in Czech and English

2. Curriculum vitae of the author

3. List of publications and conference presentations

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